I am trying hard
to think of things
that stay in one place
and get better. A tree?
I am not a tree.
Trees have almost
written all the poems.
I cut myself against them.
Nailing plywood down
on lower lines
to lay there, looking at porn.
I’d leave my house at night sometimes to look at porn in trees.
Even when very young.
I’d walk past a
retention pond of taggers
blowing their colorful
horned instruments.
Their illegible, foam names
like those of the animals.
Some of us have things
we don’t remember choosing to be.
These are the things I mean.
Sitting Outside Her House
Like man took fire
and invented light, so do men take women
into glass bottles, learn to switch their warmth
on and off. Sometimes men will sit for long
periods outside a women’s house, or her temple,
not wishing to be elsewhere, but praying that elsewhere
isn’t over yet. Maybe a man’s love
is also inside a glass bottle, that he hopes not to break,
that he stares longingly into on his work table,
hoping one day to sail. Mostly he leads his own way with it,
forgetting in such clarity
the light itself he is holding.

What Stays After Falling Out
We don’t talk anymore but you left
your hat at my house.
And once after classes
you told me you dreamt of an angel,
that she asked you to tell three people of her coming. You were
crying. Our friends played Frisbee
in the bus lane, a neon disc
passing like one halo between them,
occasionally dropping.
And the nights driving. On 1626
I stopped at a red light with no one around.
You were incredulous, like how
could a color like red
mean stop for boys like us, who bite
the heads off centipedes
and peppermint liquor bottles, many
of which we refilled with water
and placed again into your mother’s cabinet.
I miss that world
you led my hand into,
with everything unclaimed
until we touched it.
Yell Fuck at Farmer’s Market

Twice now, it is windy.
A woman selling teabags
has run from her stand
to collect its contents.
She does a thing that most
of my great loves have done – yells FUCK,
then asks me to wait.
So I’m waiting.
The paper squares floating
are like copies
of the same tiny letter.
I wonder if the word Great
has ever preceded Love,
in my case.
If Love as moving expanse
is measured in paces,
or if it is more like
water being
held inside a room.
I guess it doesn’t matter.
A family selling peaches
has abandoned their post
to help the woman with her tea.
Their jars instead hold
suspended organs, misshapen
toads in formaldehyde.
I imagine even the good stuff
away. Like how being alive is more like
selling the thing you’ve made,
until it’s a good life.
Britt Luttrell britt.luttrell@gmail.com
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