Poetry by Karis Jones Ö Art by Robert Bowen
Because my black cat
often traps herself in my closet,
she is forbidden to enter it.
one night
I purposely
left it open
for her.
Tentatively, she entered,
hiding herself
in the shadows
of the dark dresses.
She sat.
I waited as long as I could.
Then I unceremoniously
expelled her.
I am a bad god,
because I cannot help
but preserve
the mystery of Eden.
Hourglass Draining
“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day”
-Macbeth Act IV, Scene V
You’re in all the wrong places –
shoes, stairs
bushes, beds
busy usurper of safe spaces.
When I’m alone, I see you
from the corner of my eye.
I know if I turned
to catch you
you’d already be gone –
I don’t look
(I know you’ll return)
You purr to me –
without tomorrow to fear
sleep is an ally,
the briefly burning candle
is lovely to watch
if Life is but a shadow,
then who casts its breadth?
(dear, to truly know Life,
one must also know Death).
Toy with me if you will,
my love,
but we both know who
pulls the strings.
You’ll wait for me.
See more Art from Robert Bowen at : robertbowenart.com
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