♣ Poetry by Bradford Middleton ♣ Art by JNKill ♣
The tarantula is clawing at my ravaged mind
With the insane bop prosy & cut-ups
Mirroring the mash-up of love inspired conjecture
That is dominating my thoughts
Love is a tarantula of horrid consequences
Get bitten by either
And it’ll feel like the end
The end of love and then yr life
I’m walking towards a woman named death
She’ll sting me good & that’s the end
As my heart gets cut-up by love
One last time
It was a nightmare alley
Of hideous consequences after
Which he could never be
The same again; for down
This turning, this short-cut
Home await a group of thugs
Looking for some easy cheap
Thrills as well as anything
Else they can muster
‘Give us your money’ they menace
As finally I look up and see
Their ugly pug mugs for faces
‘I ain’t got any’ I tell them
Continuing to walk through
Their throng before I feel
A set of hands grab at my back
My coat is yanked and I fall
Back into the centre of their group
‘I told you I ain’t got anything’
‘We don’t care you fucker’ the big
One stood front and centre
Announces through force of his pile
Driver of a fist come voice
That I’m in real big trouble
I go down and cover my head
Hoping that they will soon grow
Bored of beating and kicking me
A night like any other where the people I consider friends
Turn against me, goading me, annoying me
We’ll sign him up to a gay dating website they chastise
Whilst trying to snap photos of me paparazzi style
Cut it out I tell them, what have I done to deserve this?
The insults grow more personal and are targeted well
As they know the real things that get me annoyed
Stories of girls I like preferring other men
Tales of sadness that I’ve tried to forget
So it’s clear you don’t give a fuck about me
You play a song for me by that Lily Allen
Which I’ll now take as words to express how I feel about you
They are short, concise and easily understood
Because that’s all your stupid fucking mind can take
It goes fuck you, fuck off won’t you?
It’s not as if your life is perfect, there’s the issue of your sexuality
And yet you laugh about a mutual friend obsessing about other men
Whilst you do the same with another person I know
You claim to have all this sex with young nubile women
But where is the evidence, I can barely remember seeing you even talk to a woman
You just stay in surfing the net looking for a fuck
And claim that’s the best way it can be
Sex without emotion makes it just a physical recreation
Frankly I ain’t a young man anymore and that kind of thing just bores me
Add to that we have nothing in common and I have to ask why you like hanging out with me?
Is it because you have no one else? Have you driven the rest away?
It would not surprise me if that is the case
When I first got to know you, you knew no one else
And now I can understand why so to surmise
Fuck you, fuck off will you please do.
See more art from Netherland artist JNKILL : www.jnkill.com
Damn good artwork!