Poetry by Vin Whitman ÷ Art by Jessie Link
Pink orphan android
Chickens’ empty peck
Under open funeral skies
Oval trace of mourning
Egg’s divine structure
Over busy
Chip away weak spots
Bound for cities tall and slender
Too good for your
Dust polished limbs
Valentine tremens trigger
Romantic feelings of vertigo
For such specific molecules
Weather vane syringe
With hypodermic beak
Locates buried fantasies
Tiny red crevice
Becomes the credibility gap
Between gingham PJ’s
And Death
Secrets only stroke the sun
One night at a time
While daughters orbit
Bound with bed clothes
And cigarette endings
Punish meant
Needle-point reverie
Or one more blister
For eighteen covert years
Blank rubber stares
With no answers hung
On optic nails
Casket closed like a rosebud
Rooster posts a picture
I can write anything I want
If it stops the press of saying no out loud
Right?…a gentle carbon punch against the crystal windshield
The shards left of its temper
Critically injure
When a truth is spoken now or written later
Why should I swallow the tongue’s thoughtless
Edges, which cut me into tired archetypes
I’ve been a diamond in the rough, a triangle skirt with legs,
Trapped in a trapezoid waiting room, and finally a person
Whose mouth is a tiny stop sign
Whose hands nudge a traffic of words
Past audio drive-thrus where talk comes with a side of fries
And a law degree
From the institute attended
By every attention whore’s fingertips
Every photographed memory’s lips
My crystal eyeballs plucked
And displaying hate speech winning the race
While obscenity slinks away on its belly
New voices will rise from our keyboards
Then our faces will wear those expressions
Like surveillance cameras
Have my understudies bailed?
Detached from the nerve behind the curtain? has my monkey-paw let go
Of its chi? Has my hawk’s eye discovered internet porn?
Our globe is bobbing on the surface
Of a liquid rooftop right here in space
I control it with my footsteps
And I’m careful to never trip
I control it with my thumbs
As nature intended
I control it with my thoughts
Which I can’t control at all
Which my monkey and understudy
Even my techno-entities, my
Softly screeching demons
Have transferred data
From my head to your bank account
My spirit guides are gargoyles
Too stoned to whisper forethought
At my inner ear
I was undone by spirits last year
Now I tread carefully
In their midst,
Walk respectfully
Around their closed circles
My delicate drum head
Was slit like cellophane with
A scissor’s cold regard
An acute glint off the cathedral’s windshield
Halted my lungs in
Their silver inhalation
An ache
Ripped into my temple, through eyes
Etched in lightning
Scrambling Now’s pixels to resemble
The Past
The archives we shouldn’t visit lightly
I arrived at the shady
Not just my temporal confessional
But the guest house of big karma
Pushing its own daisy’s agenda
Based on the opponent’s lotus
I am no teacher, no
I am a voice with plenty of range
But each generation has room on its
Arc for one poet
And I wasn’t chosen
Death does not end our duties
To the living
They continue, incorporeal,
Through umbilical migraines
Sockets exposed & wired
To history’s minutes
Divine absolution soldered to their
X rated intentions

Vin Whitman julletteway@msn.com
See more urban art from Jesse Link at www.jesselink.com
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