WARM #34
Six dollars
& a floor,
I was the king
my own desire.
I took the roof
off the house
& then I
sold it
to the sun,
so I would
no longer have
to rule
my own house.
I squinted
the happiness
I felt. I waited
for the rain
to come.
I shivered
when I should
shiver. I fought
only for more
of the elements
to find me
before I slept
next to
a blank, silent
alarm clock.
I danced
through hunger.
I was consumed
this way.
WARM #35
Mindless heat, echoes
of our first epic,
I am yours.
WARM #36
The field repeats
itself. I stood on a ladder
in the middle
of the corn
& I stretched my arms
& rotated my thickness
to the crop furthest
from the roadside.
The cars slowed down.
The people got out,
but not one of them could
hear the acceptance
I was given above
that active plot. I was
told I could stay there
forever. I was told
that the birds would be
willing to bury me there.