Poetry by Amy Harn ⊗ Art by Tony Citelli
An Intern Treated Right
The company was doing well,
the sunshine bright and the birds loud,
so I did what any normal CEO would do:
I took my intern on a gondola ride.
His hair frazzled, his eyes hazy, the
human representation of stress,
complete with overgrown beard
and cold coffee.
The fact that he was scared of water
didn’t help much either.
Ignoring all this and his repeated groans,
since I paid $20 for this after all,
I tried to enjoy the ride, and succeeded
until his hunger pains started.
Our gondola rower wouldn’t give him
her baguette, even though judging by
the intensity of his groans he was dying,
and wouldn’t sing to distract him either.
I felt bad, of course, but I just smiled a
dainty smile as he collapsed overboard.
Blessed by an Intern
After he awoke, weak from hunger and
nearly drowned by the Adige river, the
intern was stumbling back to his office when
a frantic woman opened her door as he passed,
grabbed his shirtsleeve, pulled him into the home,
and then closed the door.
“Our king! Our dear president Alfredo!” the woman
cried, dragging him down a hallway.
“You’re just in time, Signore Franco
is about to die! You must bless him
before he leaves this cruel world!”
“A simple misunder-” he started, but
was quickly cut off. “This way, this
way!” she yelled, yanking him down
a flight of stairs. “I’m just a int-”, as
he was planted by the man’s bedside.
“Say something,” she wailed, as the
man did nothing. “What do I say?” he
wailed back, as Signore Franco took
a breath and didn’t take any more.
American Summers, Australian Winters
On the other side of the world, Signore
Franco’s granddaughter Evelina landed
in Brisbane, finally on her way to a great
escape and feeling empowered, until she
looked out the window and nearly cried.
It was winter – of course, the seasons were
flipped in Australia. She banged her head
against the plane window until the flight
attendant asked her to stop, then banged
it against the top of the plane instead.
All she got from the banging was a bruised
head and a broken heart, and she soon took
her great escape to the forest so she could
properly steep in pain.
In a blindingly pink sheath dress and covered
in hail, she was ready to give up, having decided
she’d put too much effort in. She lay down,
preparing to drown in hail, when a bag glowing
with warmth dropped in front of her.
Janet Wilson, college freshman, dropped the bag
and ran faster than she ever had. The idea of
burning all her schoolwork was always around
and tempting, but a freezing foreigner had
never presented themselves for the occasion.
She got to destroy her hated calculus and
a poor tourist stayed warm, everyone won.
Congratulating herself on her brilliant logic,
Janet rushed to the cafeteria and tried to
ignore the fact that the bag was paper
and the fire inside would become
a huge hazard, like right about now.
Several miles away, the calculus-fueled
fire started to burn through the paper bag.
Evelina didn’t notice and continued sleeping.
Soon all her hated summer clothes caught
fire and burned away, leaving her unarmed
for the Australian summer.
After a long journey with vaguely connected
people and random links, Evelina moved to
Sweden with her winter clothes and the Italians
opened their doors to find piles of burnt summer
clothes, women’s size six.
Amy Harn is a sophomore at Orange County School of the Arts in the Creative Writing program. …. See more art from Tony Citelli at https://www.instagram.com/i.make.faces/
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