poetry by Edwin B. Wollet ♠ Art by Etienne Grinter
Normal is an electric chair with a short circuit
…went searching for Normal
I dis-re-un-covered it.
Normal is:
A dry drop of water
on a lonely, 100-mile stretch of desert road
The empty space
between two repelling supermagnets
An invisible bullseye
on the broad side of a barn
The dark side
of a white-hot lightning bolt
The consummated union
of soul and anti-soul
I found these riddles
amidst the pinballs racing
through my scrambled-egg brain
I saw them, heard them, tasted them
before they disappeared
into my vegan omelet,
lost in the frying pan bubbles
on the flaming burners
of an aneuronal, pre-Cambrian oven
the death-venue of
too dangerous
for psychotic minds
to contemplate even with the aid of
support groups
- A walk in the park with their dog
The deadline for a project at work
Wondering what to make for dinner
Fantasizing about the hottie on the subway
then going home and
masturbating to soft porn
because they can’t stomach
the hard shit, and because that’s
the best they can hope for
These are normal musings not mine
(except for walking a hellish dog named Love)
The rest are schemas submitted to an editor
that are dumped into the slush pile
of an insane man’s subconscious mind
or what’s left of it
I found Normal today
And afterwards
I covered it back up
So I wouldn’t have to…
See more art from Etienne E. Grinter at his website: Http://egrinter.wix.
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