Poetry by Jenny Santellano ♣ Art by Jaimie Filer
Brutality beckons
harsh words
filtered through
slants of eyes
captivated by
carnal cravings
sumptuous taste
of salty tears
luscious lies
Your hands
my thighs
hair pulled
forceful thrust
caged in lust
Sacred Woman
They’ve christened
me a lady, cross-legged,
envied, refined recluse,
while the witches
are still burning,
screaming as I dance
I can feel their fingernails
scratching at my core
I don’t belong in this breed,
but somehow my jagged
pieces fit perfectly into
their pragmatic puzzle,
and puzzled I am,
barely able to stand,
yet perfectly poised
Complaisant and weary
I’m a withered soul in guise,
fake smile, tied bows,
maimed but pretty
in their eyes
Magna Carta, fuck you
Misinterpreted bits of
information accepted
under false pretense,
driven by greedy
hierarchy feeding off
of the naivety of its
servants whose loyalty
is akin to the after-
effect of being shot
by Cupid’s arrow
Capitalism is not
a true democracy,
but it is risky to rebel
against a totalitarian
government, and the
nature of human beings
is to accept authority
Freedom does not exist
until you resist
It’s a lesson the living
will never learn-
Only the dead know
See more art by Jaimie Filer at http://artofdoom.blogspot.com/
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