♠ Poetry by Isis Zystrid ♠ Art by Crystal Floyd ♠
there are ancient texts that state
that childbirth
is the punishment women get
for Eve’s original sin–
and alas, misogyny holds consistent.
we have one moment of
supposed autonomy
and by the whims of power
we can be forced into maternity
by men in suits.
people perceived as women
have long been told
that what they want for themselves
is of miniscule importance–
society will decide
what will be the female fate.
you will do what men say
and give them what they want,
repopulating the earth
whether that was your desire
or not.
what fate for those of us
born with this anatomy–
we are sex objects
and then incubator,
prescribed services to mankind
we are conditioned to think of
as our second nature.
put us in huts
for a week of the month,
and then use it
for your own means.
you want our stomachs to swell
to incapacitate us,
we cannot hold office
or god forbid,
raise our delicate flower voices
to the men in charge.
patriarchy knows what it’s doing,
and it will indignantly
subdue any power it finds bubbling
within our bodies.
and in this fate you subject to us,
we have to hold our fists
in the air
and proclaim
that just because you are born
with a uterus,
it does not mean
you want to be a parent.
and this curse
of violence on independent choice
will shift
tectonic plates,
eventually swallowing
this hierarchical evil
what are we living for?
what sole insect queen denounces
our right for a life of comfort
and plenty
as we toil
as her worker bees?
what purpose
does our life labor serve
to our own selves
if we are drained
from the bone
with work
for mere survival,
–the only other choice
when the pennies are
so bent and unpolished,
and so few to
barely fill
holes in fabric,
what life for ourselves
are we given?
what grudging labor
that we strain muscle
and sinew
till a days hopelessly
stretched end–
provide for our own lives?
what do these spine pains
gain us
as opposed to a threat
of “do this
or basic sustenance
will be stricken
from your mouth.”
who decides
for us to hold nothing
but bare bones survival?
who speaks in front of
those chosen for lives
of selfless,
corrosive servitude
and casts this fate upon us.
See more art from Crystal Floyd at www.CrystalFloyd.com
Yay Isis! Great poems!