Poetry by Shelly Buttenhoff Miller ♥ Art by Mark Venaglia
Fragility of a persons heart
like the wings of a moth above the flame
A bit of humanity
is not human at all
We cannibalize other’s lives
as if they mean nothing
Love cannot conquer all
Agony from another’s choice
profoundly effects so many
In the spiders web
we are all trapped together
the spider waiting patiently
for our mistake and it’s chance
to change everything forever
Yet our compassion can
bring relief from the grief
of the inhumane actions of some
My name is Shelly Buttenhoff Miller. I just moved to Springfield, Oregon from a much smaller town. I enjoy hiking, photography, reading and even coloring. I started writing poetry to help me express my feelings and emotions in a way I’d never been able to before. I have a mental illness but refuse to let it define me.
…See more artwork from Mark Venaglia at www.venagliaArt.com
Thank you to Mark Venaglia for your beautiful art work!