HOW DO I SUBMIT MY ARTWORK ? (writing , photography or video)  Send e-mail



Section 8 magazine at City Lights in San Fransico.
Section 8 magazine at City Lights in San Fransico.

Only the most AMAZING original work is published in Section 8 Magazine online. After 8 online published pieces from the same artist/writer, we then select the best work to be published worldwide in our printed zine’.

“Section 8 will not fall off. We will not sell out. We will continue to give you local, national and international arts and information.”

—Section 8 Magazine, Issue #1, Feb. 1999

Section 8 Magazine is a 40+ page, digest-sized print “zine” produced  for the artists, intellectuals,writers and global citizens. All artforms, including poetry, music, fiction, non-fiction, performance art, theatre and visual art is covered.

CoverShot 31The magazine is an public forum for creativity. We publish submitted work from every continent on the planet. The design of Section 8 is unique—different in size, style and color from any other local publication thus far.

If you would like to have your art or writing considered for our upcoming publication or website just send our editors a .pdf , jpeg or .doc or .docx file attached to an e-mail to or mail a printed proof to :


2210 East Cherry Street A

Seattle , Washington 98122

The Section 8 Empire Underground Headquarters- Seattle.
The Section 8 Empire Underground Headquarters




  1. You wrote a message to me on Twitter, asking to publish my work. However, you did not ‘follow’ me on Twitter, so I could not answer you there. Thanks for your interest in my poetry. Question: Do you compensate writers for their submissions?

  2. There is a lot of information missing from this page that I’d like to know.
    1) What are your length limits for fiction and non-fiction writing?
    2) Do you require exclusive publication rights or can people submit pieces that are published elsewhere (in my case, self-published)?
    3) What is your policy about sexually explicit work?
    4) Do you pay artists for the work you publish online or in print?
    5) You said you are interested in a wide range of mediums, are you interested in podcasts? If so, given the ongoing, serial nature of a podcast, how would this work?
    6) How does publication in print work for those who produce video, audio, performance, or three dimensional work?

    • We publish Flash fiction (Google it) , 2. People are free to distribute elsewhere, Section 8 Magazine doesn’t own or want to own anyone’s work. We just showcase good art and great writers. 3) Freedom of speech. 4) We’re broke we don’t pay artist. 5) Call the office on 5. 6) Our website is awesome!

  3. As I literally experienced Heaven
    at 15! as a NearDeathExperiencer,
    lemme tella youse summoe
    without d’New Joisey axent
    wot2Xperience in d’starry sky
    Fyoo wannum. Who?
    WhoDya think, babe?
    ● ●
    Cya soon, ya gorgeous wildflower.

    We should fix our eyes Upstairs,
    not gratifyingDwhorizontal nomo.
    Meet me Upstairs; lets schmooze.

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  1. Published in Four Places this Weekend! – Adam Levon Brown

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