Poetry and Art by Marie Cornelio
If you were mine to love,
I would thank God every day for you,
If you were mine to love,
I would tell you each day,
How much I loved you,
But, more than tell you,
I would show you,
I would take good care of you,
Pray for you, support your endeavors,
If you were mine to love,
I would look in your kind eyes and gaze at you,
Sit on your lap,
Laugh with you,
Lay my head on your chest just to hear your heart beating,
Kiss you gently,
Wrap my arms around you and hold you tight,
Give you a million reason to always want to stay together,
Keep you safe and wild at night,
I would find small ways,
To let you know,
Just how much you mean to me,
If you were mine to love,
I would take a bubble bath with you
Wash your hair,
Whisper in your ear,
How sexy you are and how much I want you,
I would do things to make you feel wanted,
Valued, safe and appreciated,
I would love you
Like water loves the sea,
Like rain loves the clouds,
I would write a book filled with my love poems,
That I wrote just for you,
So when you feel sad or discouraged,
You could read them,
Know how magnificent and lovely you are to me,
If you were mine to love,
I would spend quality time with you,
not a day would go by,
that we would not be together,
You would be my king,
I would be your queen,
Love would reign in our world,
and nothing and no one would come between us.
I would make sure you felt free.
www.mariecornelio.com www.twitter.com/MarieCornelio
(c) 2014 Marie Cornelio