Who are you and where are you from?
Hi! My name is Anomie Belle. I am from Seattle.
Can you tell us about “Flux” ?
Flux is a very personal album that captures a chapter of my life – my experiences of intimacy, the arc of my creative process, and observations about the world around me. Flux is also an interdisciplinary art project. I collaborated with 14 different international visual artists to create a body of work – culminating in an art book and gallery exhibition that accompanies the album. In this sense, each artist created a portrait of me and my music, exploring disillusionment and the search for identity. The music videos also feel like a part of this, and reflect meaningful and intimate collaborations as well.
What feeling and message do you want people to receive from the album and the “Flux” exhibition?
I hope people will connect to Flux from an intuitive and authentic place. Making art and music is a process of capturing emotions and thoughts. So, releasing it out into the world feels like sharing a vulnerable place, sometimes sexual, sometimes peaceful and reflective, other times intensely critical. Art and music have empathetic, intuitive dimensions, and my hope is that people will connect to Flux in whichever ways most resonate with them. The organic unfolding of what feelings and messages stick with people is part of what is beautiful about putting art out into the world.
Do you remember your first creative work, the moment you knew that you where an artist?
Being creative and spending time in my imagination were always a big part of my experience. As a child, creativity and art-making were central to my most meaningful friendships. Even early on, music was an outlet for me to express my experience of the world and of exploring intimacy and identity.
The first time I multi-track recorded a song I’d written that I felt really proud of, I was eleven years old. I recorded it on a little cassette player my parents gave me. The experience was intoxicating and incredibly gratifying. I spent the entire weekend tinkering and tracking, forgetting even to take breaks to eat. I started with a layer of piano, then a couple layers of vocals, xylophone and a couple layers of violin and some bits of percussion. What I remember most was how in love I felt with the whole process, and that feeling of being completely and utterly immersed in creating something from nothing. There was prescience in that feeling, and it’s never left.
Who are your favorite artist, musicians and inspirations?
In this chapter of my life, I have been particularly inspired by artists across genres. I draw much of my inspiration from those I am closest to. Anthon Smith and Roxanna Walitzki have been my collaborators through this whole process; together, we curated the Flux art show, and created the music videos and photography to accompany the album. Their voices are even present as a part of the production textures throughout the music.
With each artist, I had a conversation about inspiration, themes, ideas and process, and it was thrilling to learn how much we have in common. This project means a lot to me because it is the culmination of a lot of rich and inspiring collaborations with other artists (Marco Mazzoni, Redd Walitzki, Mark Demsteader, Kari-Lise Alexander, Casey Weldon, Meredith Marsone, Alessandra Maria, Alex Garant, Alpay Efe, Januz Miralles, Maria Teicher, Antonio Velfín, Alexandra Becker-Black and Zin Lim).
Where can we see more of your work?
What do you see yourself doing in 20 years?
I see myself continuing to make a lot of music and art. More of it, with increased efficiency, artistry and a lot of collaboration. Collaborators I can go deep with. Being challenged, inspired, and living a full and rich life that is constantly changing but filled with creative adventures. Hopefully with a bit more wisdom and a sense of humor so I don’t take myself too seriously – because life will always be absurd and imperfect.
If you could work on the next creative project with anyone in the world from any period in time who would it be? Radiohead.
Any last words you would like to say to the Section 8 Magazine readers worldwide?
I’ll leave you with some lyrics from my new album…
Oh I can see what you’ve set your mind to
But be careful what you wish for
And be careful what you do
Make your mark
Pretty lady
Are you satisfied
With your day job
If you immerse yourself
So completely
Then you can lose yourself in seeking
Though you know not what you’re looking for
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