Who are you and where are you from?

My name is Loes van Delft, born April 1st 1991 in a small village in the south of the Netherlands. I grew up in an enterprising family where I was free to choose activities like sport, music or direction of studies. My father used to take me to musea and art galleries. This is where it all started, I thought “this is what I really want to do.” Painting and drawing has become my life.
What message do you want people to receive from your artwork?
It’s a very simple message. I want people to feel happy when they see my art work. I put a lot of energy and love in my paintings and luckily people appreciate what I create.
Do you remember your first artwork, when you knew that you where an artist?
First of all, I don’t consider myself an artist. Actually I hate the word artist, it’s like calling someone air and the people that use that are ghosts themselves. Nowadays, so many people paint and call themselves an artist, but I think you have to ‘deserve’ this title. From the beginning I shared my works on the internet and there was a lot of positive feedback. In 2011 I did my first solo exhibition at trendy Supperclub in Amsterdam. While I was hanging the paintings for this show, a collector came by and bought four pieces! What an openings sale! Ever since it has been going up with many shows in Spain, Austria, Belgium and Amsterdam.
Who are your favorite artist and inspirations?
Creativity is inside your head. It’s not something you find somewhere. You can’t force a creation. I love Takashi Murakami and Kaws. I think it is important to have a recognizable style. Their work is so uplifting, and beside that, I really like cartoon style. I developed my own character which I call Pjipje.
What tools do you use, to create beautiful colorful paintings?
I like to work with high quality material. It starts with the hand made frame, stretched with Flemish linen. This material has a very fine structure which I love to work on. As for the paints, the acrylics are from Royal Talens. To realize the fine brush strokes, which is one of my characteristics, I work with the finest brushes available. The Urban/Comic scene is mainly a men world. Being one of the few woman in this field, my paintings are distinguished by the female touch in color choice.
I start off with some sketching.
Yes. The sketching is an very important phase in this process.When I start with a blank canvas, I know more or less what I want to create. Some small changes will happen during the painting. Since I paint many many layers on top of each other, it takes me about one week to finish a work.
Where can we see more of your art, what other places has your work been published?
At the moment my work is represented by galleries in Amsterdam and Antwerp. Many times I am invited to participate in group exhibitions. Recently I was present at Modern Pop Art exhibition in the Zandvoorts museum, in sea side resort in Holland. In March 2015 I had a feature in the Dutch Playboy, Talkies Magazine, HP. Of course Internet is a very important medium for me. I have a Facebook page where I post almost daily the latest updates.
In the North America contact PF Global Artists based in New York City. (www.pfglobalartists.com)
What do you see yourself doing in 20 years?
Painting will be my daily thing. It is all about the doing. I don’t control the outcome. I have big dreams. I’d love to see my work at the main stage of the art scene. This might sound presumptuous, but with the help of good people around me and lots of energy and faith, I see my dreams come true. Currently, New York based art connoisseur/art dealer Patty Findlay is ‘coaching me to fame’. She advises me on what galleries to consider, etc. She supports me all the way. America is my ultimate goal. Pjipje must become a household name.
If you could work on a art project with anyone in the world from any period in time who would it be?
Andy Warhol is my long time favorite artist. I recently saw an exhibition of him and was so impressed to see his work live. I also would like to work with Roy Lichtenstein. These two artists have changed the way people look at art. They are really the pioneers who broke with the traditional and classical approach. Takashi Murakami and KAWS also fit in this vibe and who would NOT like to work with these two modern giants?! 😉
Any last words you would like to say to the Section 8 Magazine readers worldwide?
Whatever you do, do it with love and love what you do.
Loes van Delft
www.facebook.com/ loesvandelftart

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