Poetry and Art by Daniel de Cullá
This place, this time, this way
Oh, that place
It’s just where one feed the wind.
Walking to the river
The lover girl with eyes and heart in center
Her body with smoke and desire
Goes to find one place where she
And her lover friend stopped on the banks.
The Sun has its tide home going
Flashing the light thru the bush
Over the stream.
Love is on the same line of the river
And their Love is like a wheel.
She dreams with the only man to snore
A comfortable life.
Probably not?
She laughs at first looking for lover friend
Suddenly realizing his freedom only
Thinking to fall in Love
Toy with divertice
Even if he did blow over just being able
To pick up and come.
-Man, presence/absence
Is what makes this place so tolerable?
With my man I wll not be lonely
I will sense no mistake.
She feels her lover friend behind her
With a smile wider than his bronzed face
-Pretty, do You want to dance with me?
The Lovers pretty much
On their own into the shrubs:
The space of Love here¡
Translucency privileged to see
The union of sky and earth
Because they lived at the edge of Love:
Boy traveling her openness
In his girl venture now
She saying to plant a flower in her patio
And he saying then throw that check away
Lady “because I want to seal yr urn”.
-Love me, sir¡ she exclaimed.
Love exploded with them
Saying She:
Our bodies producing two flowers
And only together do we form a whole
We feel in Love with these pieces
Of sky and earth
Let us hear the pure light
Shining steady thru the Vulva
Opened for FireFlower
And be content.
Love has gotten us
Into this Ecstasy.
-Daniel de Cullá
Angelina cabalga a horcajadas un Asno
Perros comunes la siguen
Perros con toga, mitrados
Con corona y cerquillos
Con charreteras, galones y fajas
Cual caterva de gente de la plebe
Lisonjeros por los lugares que pasa
Donde ella dirige su mirada
Viendo Asnos con su verga erecta
Poblada de moscas borriqueras
Nacidas en un monasterio de frailes.
-Extremado es el Rebuzno de la Burra, dice
Viendo al Buche así excitado:
El Burro comediante de Maquiavelo
Se beneficiaba a la Burra de Alicia
En el País de las Maravillas
De Lewis Carrol
Celebrando un especial “online”
Jodiendo sobre el libro verde
Del astuto y tortuoso Renacimiento.
-¡Arre¡, ¡arre¡
Es normal, dice; en España, patria de un Asno
Se adora y se venerean Asnos.
No es extraño
En todos los países lo hacen.
Angelina veía Asnos por todas partes:
Ahí el Burro de Apolo
El de Apuleyo y de Aquino
El de Aristóteles, el de Aristófanes
El de Buda y Bufón
La Burra de Jesús, de Balam
Y de Mahoma
Y allí, en ese trigal de Brieva de Juarros
En Burgos
Un Asno monacal de Navarra
Está componiendo un cuento carnal
Con un graso lego
Haciendo amor estilo perro, y diciendo:
-Hierve olla y cuece cebolla
Yo te diré de la noche de bodas
Que eres como un gato
Sobre ladrillos calientes.
Haciendo un alto, Angelina continuó:
-Sin Asnos no hubiera habido reyes
No hubiera habido religiones
Que, en la Tierra, el hombre y la mujer
Hacen el papel de Asnos
Daniel de Culla (1955) is a writer, poet, and photographer. He is also a member of the Spanish Writers Association, Director of the Gallo Tricolor Review, and Robespierre Review. He’s moving between North Hollywood, Madrid and Burgos, Spain.
Daniel de Cullá (1955 Poeta, escritor, pintor y fotógrafo, miembro fundador de la revista literaria Gallo Tricolor. Es miembro de la Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España. En la actualidad participa en espectáculos que funden poesía, música y teatro.
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