First kisses, so saccharin sweet…
The motorway steadied
Alongside us
And we sat on frayed seams
Of crumpled eyelashes.
No one’s eyes
Have ever been so out
Of their packets of Moondust
As hers under that bridge.
Then two big boys
Separated the bristling grass.
One took up his hand,
Took up a plaggy bag,
Bunched it round his gob
Nearly as big,
Took up his hand,
His whole hand
And took up the boy with the bag
And swigged.
Scattered by the eyelashes.
“This your new boyfriend?”
“You opened it?”
Kelly breathless
Smelt of late night
Ma and Da
Infused with pilsner.
She teared open
Our eyelids
And we listed off
And I could
All ways
Of Moondust
And she could
All ways
Of Moondust
And I couldn’t tell
Where she put
The Moondust
And her all kinds
Of sandpaper.
Chris Stewart has a poem forthcoming in the international annual Great Weather For MEDIA. He plays at the Cheltenham Literary Festival in 2017. He was long listed for the CYCLOP International Videopoetry Contest 2015. His poems and stories appear in a variety of magazines including The Wrong Quarterly, The Atticus Review, Freak Circus and Outdoor Photography. He’s anthologised inBreak-Out (Ek Zuban, 2013). Tweet him @SideBurnedPoet. See his award-winning filmpoems here: www.youtube.com/zorki28
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