Poetry by Nikki Anne Schmutz
I’m racing with a rickshaw,
pedal to the metal of my strength.
Agonizing, coma-inducing, sweaty toil –
all for this anchor behind me;
free rides for those who told me
I was destined to carry them…
(in ways spoken and unspoken).
I’m killing myself
for causes that aren’t mine,
for others inability to follow through,
for things I never needed in the first place,
for the way I’m used to satisfy needs
while throwing mine to the pavement…
(litter in a concrete road of wants).
No more pedaling!
Stand up on your own damn feet –
I won’t be your rickshaw slave.
Nikki Anne Schmutz is the author of Open Soul Window, In Speaking of… A Poetic Journey from Dark to Light, and Found, a novel. She is a poet and novelist, produced screenwriter, freelance poetry editor, admins Facebook poetry groups, TBI survivor, and advocate against sexual violence. She has served as magazine editor-in-chief, literary web site poetry editor, and recited poetry for the Eat Sleep Write podcast. She currently reads poetry for her YouTube Channel, Perfectly Written Pictures. She lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains near Salt Lake City, Utah, USA where she serves as the Utah Representative for the World Union of Poets based in Italy.
You can follow Nikki’s poetry on her website – www.alittlefireleaping.com
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