Poetry & Art by Subhajit Sanyal
“KoAE” String
The endless night called the stars to ‘sky’—-
The celestial choir then, sung in the sky.
They swayed till the dawn swallowed the sky.
Death brewed in the morning coffee,
Hot and Handsome, He—-full of love; the coffee
Immortality kissed the coffeelicious coffee.
The first ray of sunshine toed the clouds,
Removing the pal from crucified clouds—–
Born was hope, hemming the clouds.
Dawn met Dusk at the shore of night,
Could never unite into the sea, nightly—–
But embraced and pecked, throughout the night.
©® Subhajit Sanyal
(“Kookaburra: Affe Epistrophe” in short “KoAE”, is a new poetry format in the world of micropoetry, created by my friend, Paayol Lalwaani. I took this opportunity to name it as such owing to its rules. Rules
This poetry is based on the theme: philosophy. Here, each poem is a 3 line one where each line should end with either a common word or different forms of the same word. The poetic device or figure speech being used is Personification.
Why such a name? Kookaburra is an Australian avis, who mimics the human laughter (repeating the word and mimicking is similar, so this name). Epistrophe(roman) is a figure of speech where the same word is used at the end of two lines, sentences or clauses. Since the epistrophe is not necessary so the word Affe(latin) is used (Affe means ape, here as to ape or copy different forms of same word). Hope you all enjoy it.)
Born in October, Subhajit is an open minded soul of 19. A son of Bengal, Subhajit belongs to a small town, Purulia. He has completed his schooling in 2015, May, when he begun scribbling as a hobby, affected by all that is happening in his surroundings. He is fond of reading, writing, music and photography, solely dedicated to writing and learning. He began writing by chance but now, is a wanderer by choice.
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It was just unexpected a surprise! I am thankful to this team 🙂
God bless
Thanks Autumn 🙂