Photography by Kutay GÜLAYDIN Poetry by Adam Brown
Nineteen and Eighty Four
Strained to see the world
In a constant state of Molotov
Cocktail-like explosive hatred
The bell tolls for those who listen
And those who hear will fall into
Line after line without thinking twice
Murder of the masses streaks
Blonde on black sniper precision
At the heart of peace and all that is good
Mortuaries and weapons contractors
Are cashing in while the simple farmer
Is left to wonder if the year will be his last
When war becomes a necessity and water
Is looked at as a commodity, it is time
For the swiftest change we can possibly accommodate.
Roses In Bloom
When a rose becomes mislabeled
And is stocked by its barcode
It loses its name and becomes
Just another flower in the chaotic
garden of consumerism. A Rose doesn’t
realize Its full potential due to store clerks who
Fail to see eminence of its beauty.
The rose is kept pristine for several days,
While people pass it by, perhaps smelling
It several times before leaving it on the shelf
When a rose becomes disheveled, it is
Thrown away to the Trash
heap that has become our Earth.
Without learning of its true worth,
It succumbs to outside opinion
And therefore thinks of itself
As just another piece of refuse.
When will we appreciate women?
Circus of the Damned
Step right up
The show is about to begin
Take off your hat
And watch the rippled pity sin
Don’t fret when
The dancers tell you the blunt truth
Don’t hide when
The lions devour your youth
This is it
The time for you and I to start
It is time
To crush your molded, little heart
This is it
America with glitz and glee
This is it
America, now pay your fee
Parasitic Values
This is the logic of only two things;
Capitalism and parasites.
The water is full of toxins,
You’ll have to purchase ours
The food is full of imperfections,
You’ll have to purchase ours
The shelter is illegal and unfit,
You’ll have to purchase ours
The belief system is savage,
You’ll have to purchase ours
Your God doesn’t exist,
You’ll have to purchase ours.
This is the logic of only two things;
Capitalism and parasites.
Adam Levon Brown is a published author, poet, amateur photographer, and cat lover. He is owner of Madness Muse Press; a micro-press that publishes dark poetry, and a book reviewer for Five 2 One Magazine. He has over 100 poems published in 9 different countries. He has been published in venues such as Burningword Literary Journal, Corvus Review, and Yellow Chair Review. Adam can be contacted via his website at www.AdamLevonBrown.org where he offers free poetry resources. Also see his press at www.Madnessmusepress.com
Adam has one chapbook out titled, “These Streets Don’t Cry For Us” which can be found on Amazon. He attends Lane Community College and will soon attend the University of Oregon as an English Major/Creative Writing Minor
“Close your eyes”
Photography by Kutay GÜLAYDIN @jimkutay
Model is Adele Vasilieva @adele_rv signed at model division Madrid @modeldivisionspain
Make up and styling by Belia Conde Aguilera @condeaguilera
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