Φ Poetry by Michael Marrotti Φ Photography by LaChele Claypool Φ
The insults continue
to arrive in the mail
telling me how much
I’ve used this month
when my supply
is dwindling
I’m conclusive
sustain my
mental health or
possess the ability
to flush the toilet
When there’s no
for inflation
I may have to take
the next narcotic shit
out in the woods
This is me
being responsible
ripping ticks off
my asshole
aggravated assaults
and time wasted in
Allegheny county jail
become a reality
once the bottle
is barren
It’s a second hand society
when our basic necessities
are on the incline
everything keeps going up
my high remains stagnant
Michael Marrotti is an author from Pittsburgh, using words instead of violence to mitigate the suffering of life in a callous world of redundancy. His primary goal is to help other people. He considers poetry to be a form of philanthropy. When he’s not writing, he’s volunteering at the Light Of Life homeless shelter on a weekly basis. If you appreciate the man’s work, please check out his book, F.D.A. Approved Poetry, available at Amazon.
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