Fiction by Alexis Betit — Photography by Maro Kentros
“All rise,” the bailiff yells out while waiting for everyone, except the judge, to stand.
“Department One of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge Maverick is presiding. Please be
“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of the State of New
York versus Drew. Are both sides ready?” I’m not ready, but if I admit that, then they would
find out.
“Ready for the People, Your Honor.”
“Ready for the defense, Your Honor.” My hands are shaking. I never told my lawyer the
“Will the clerk please swear in the jury?” I want to run now, and never come back. I
should have taken the first flight out of the country.
“Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand?” The clerk pauses, waiting for
everyone to stand. “Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court, and
that you will return a true verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of the court, so
help you, God? Please say ‘I do.’”
“I do.” The jurors replied in unison, and I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that they all
hated me. Every. Last One. They are all looking at me. They know the truth, I can feel it.
“You may be seated.”
“Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant has been charged with
murder in the first degree. The defendant was found in his home on 294 St. Mark’s Place on
February 4, 2015. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is guilty as
charged.” My leg is bouncing at twenty miles per hour. All I can hear is his last words replaying
in my head. ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’ ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury, under the law my client is presumed
innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client.
You will come to know the truth, that Drew is simply an acquaintance of the Marcus Lynn, our
victim, and did not have any contact with him.” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’ ‘She
deserved it, and you know it.’
“The prosecution may call its first witness.”
“The People call the victim’s mother to the stand, Your Honor.” The Bailiff walks to the
edge of the court, and bring Martha to the stand.
“Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give
in this case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help
you God?” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“I do.” Her voice is shaky, I know how hurt she is. She knows the truth.
“Please state your first and last name.”
“Martha Lynn”
“You may be seated.”
“Martha, what is your relation to the victim?”
“I am the mother of Marcus Lynn.”
“Did your son live at home with you?” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“He was for a short while. He had just been evicted because he could no longer pay his
“Were you home on January 27th?”
“I was till around eight in the morning, but I had to run errands. The electricity was due
to shut off, and I had to pay the bill.”
“When did you arrive home, after you ran your errands?”
“Around nine at night. It was already dark outside. I couldn’t see anything. I walked in
the door and I just tripped over him! He was lying there. I couldn’t do anything. He was
so…lifeless.” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’ ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“I am so sorry Martha, but I have to ask. How did you respond after finding your son on
the ground?”
“I panicked..I didn’t know what to do..” The entire courtroom was silent. “I tried to check
his vitals, but there wasn’t a pulse. He wasn’t breathing. I ran to the kitchen to grab the phone
and dial 911 or something but the line was cut. I didn’t get a dial tone. I ran outside and
screamed for someone to help me.” My hands are sweating. I know what I did was justified but
nobody is going to think so.
“Did anyone come to help you?”
“Yes, my neighbor Katherine.”
“That is all I have for questions today, thank you.”
“Does the defense have any questions?”
“Just one, Your Honor.” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“Mrs. Lynn, do you know the defendant?” Of course she knew me. He was dating my
“Sort of, I have seen his face before. I know my son had been in contact with his sister”
Been in contact? More like his fucking fist was in contact with her face. That piece of shit
deserved to die.
“I have no further questions, Thank you.” I have one. How about, why was your son such
a fuck up? Was Daddy a drunk? Did uncle max touch him at night?
“The witness may be excused, and the prosecution may call the next witness.”
“The People call the arresting officer to the stand.” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in
the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you
“I do.” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“Please state your first and last name.”
“John Marcel”
“You may be seated.” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“Officer, where do you work?”
“I have worked for the NYPD for the past fifteen years in May.”
“Were you on duty on the night of January 27th?”
“Yes. I was driving on Main Street when I got the call.”
“What did you observe when you arrived on the scene?”
“When I approached I saw Martha, and her neighbor kneeling over the victim’s body.”
“Did you notice anything else?” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“I noticed that the victim had been shot in the back of the head, and there was a gun on
the table in the living room. We ran the number on the gun, and found that it belonged to the
defendant.” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“I have no further questions, Thank you Officer Marcel.”
“Does the defense have any questions for the witness?”
“No, thank you, Your Honor.” ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’
“The witness may be excused. Does the prosecution have any other witnesses?” ‘She
deserved it, and you know it.’ ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’ ‘She deserved it, and you
know it.’ ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’ ‘She deserved it, and you know it.’ ‘She deserved
it, and you know it.’
“Yes, Your Honor. The People call the medical”
“I plead guilty!” I could feel the tears streaming down my face. “I plead guilty! He hit my
sister. He threatened to end her life. I couldn’t risk it. The guilt is eating me alive. I don’t regret
it, not for a second. He was going to hurt her. I had to take things into my own hands. Nobody
else would do anything for her.” I could feel the courtroom close in around me. I had to get out I
tried to run for the door, but before I could reach the public gallery I was in cuffs.
See more photography from Maro Kentros on http://picasa.google.com/
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