Poetry by A.J. Huffman ⊕
How calm you stay
in bed
without pants.
This room is living—
absorbing me,
you. Needing the wound
we refuse
to talk.
Spasm instead
behind shallow curtains.
The floor is learning
to be.
The ceiling chooses
not to be.
I fold
into a cloud,
hover like a drawbridge.
You anchor darkness,
with a purr.
A.J. Huffman has published thirteen full-length poetry collections, fourteen solo poetry chapbooks and one joint poetry chapbook through various small presses. Her most recent releases, Degeneration (Pink Girl Ink), A Bizarre Burning of Bees (Transcendent Zero Press), and Familiar Illusions (Flutter Press) are now available from their respective publishers. She is a five-time Pushcart Prize nominee, a two-time Best of Net nominee, and has published over 2500 poems in various national and international journals, including Labletter, The James Dickey Review, The Bookends Review, Bone Orchard, Corvus Review, EgoPHobia, and Kritya. She is also the founding editor of Kind of a Hurricane Press. www.kindofahurricanepress.com
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