Poetry by: Tilla Sonrise
look into these eyes
remember these thighs
never yours to touch
but you swore you owned me
sneaking into my cabin at night
trying to know me
steal away you wretched soul
steal away you wretched soul
a nation of miscegenation
in the cotton fields we congregation
and mourn for selma
me, sarah gudger, frorida, weezy and thelma
wishing for the congo
before you were welcomed there
they’ll be singing
my spirituals in congo square
steal away you wretched soul
steal away you wretched soul
oh you wretched soul
mammy to your chilluns
while mine are sold
oh hated lover
your hands are warm
but your heart is cold
what will be said 100 years from now
when this story is told
the lies will say i loved you
and longed for your affection
when giving in
was my art form of protection
steal away you wretched soul
steal away you wretched soul
make me hate my midnight skin
and mourn my locks
sell my spot on endless blocks
because through 400 years of raping me
you’ve taught me i have no value
calling me
“nigger wench” and “black bitch”
my soul quotes you loosely
the horrible way you used me
so psychologically damaged
the last line of my grandchildren
will feel it and their pain will move me
steal away you wretched soul
steal away you wretched soul
sneaking into my cabin
late at night
under the threat of death
i had no means to fight
my soul looks down on my ancestors
sad because they too long to be white
steal away
steal away
steal away
you wretched soul
steal away
steal away
steal away
you wretched soul
‘Yo’ know de sta’s don’ shine as bright as dey did back den. I wondah why dey don’. Dey jes’ don’ shine as bright.’ Sarah Gudger
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