Art by Charles Kaufman ⊕ Poetry by Holly Day
The Bird
The tiny bird flaps in the grass near me
watches my approach with eyes like glass beads
opens its mouth as if expecting
random acts of maternal kindness from everything
around it, even me. Overhead
the mother catbird peeps in distress, also
watching me with shiny eyes
a look of resolution on its face as if
it’s already decided I am incapable of love.
Could Spirit Alone
blood, the good Christian
angry at his lack of power, skin broken
under the onslaught of memories, terror and omniscience
transferred to different targets:
me. wings pump
when I talk but won’t take me away.
he doesn’t understand me, fingers
moving game pieces intuitively but not
following any rules. I can breathe fine
when my glass is full, like now
but otherwise
I am too afraid to understand
too confused to leave.
It’s Best to Forget
We must not speak ill of the dead. Even if
she was a fucking junkie slut who
beat the shit out of her children
abandoned them for weeks at a time to
entertain some big talking high-roller from Vegas
some borderline pimp who wanted to show her the good life
or just another junkie who was in the mood to share
we must only speak of her accomplishments,
the good things she did
the charities she worked for
the people whose lives she touched, people that would have been worse off
without her good example and personal strength
because we must not speak ill of the dead, even if
he was a fucking drunk who beat his wife
put her in the hospital so many times
he should have been picked up by the police
who eventually smashed his car
into the back of a minivan full of kids
put their mother halfway through
the front window of the van
we must only speak of the good things he did, the way
he could always be counted on to pick one up from the airport
even at the last minute
the delicate woodwork he designed for the church
the way he reinvented
the blues harmonica
we must not speak ill of the dead, even though
we know in our hearts they won’t come back and haunt us
if we tell the truth, even if we tell
all of it.
My Faith in Him
He protects me from everything
real, wraps me in bright thoughts
of tomorrow. I burrow my head into his arm
inhale the scent of sweat from the day before—
this is the only thing keeping the world away.
My own dreams are as weak
as the sodden end of a cigarette
fluttering in the rain
useless against vampires and
vacuum-wielding salesmen.
I will hide here, against this man
wrapped in the sweet warmth of his skin
until all the clouds of black smog
roll away to sunshine, revealing a world
of gleaming city spires and sparkling streets
peopled only by friendly unicorns and things
with soft, gossamer wings.
The Disruption This Morning
the seagulls huddled on the beach, pressed together
seeking warmth from each other, the cold
of the corpses unearthed by the storm
was contagious. they swarmed over
the small bodies huddled just beneath the sand
noisy where they landed, brief gaps between white feathers
revealed fingers, a clenched fist
an arm exposed to the shoulder
a head of close-cropped blond hair.
the firemen came with hoses
the shrieks of angry birds could be heard
all the way down the beach.
See more art by Charles Kaufman at CharlesKaufman.com
Holly Day has taught writing classes at the Loft Literary Center in Minnesota, since 2000. Her published books include Music Theory for Dummies, Music Composition for Dummies, Guitar All-in-One for Dummies, Piano All-in-One for Dummies, Walking Twin Cities, Insider’s Guide to the Twin Cities, Nordeast Minneapolis: A History, and The Book Of, while her poetry has recently appeared in New Ohio Review, SLAB, and Gargoyle. Her newest poetry book, Ugly Girl, just came out from Shoe Music Press.
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