Flash fiction by Gary Hewitt ↔ Photo by Talya Klein
She aims her index finger at the vacant seat along with a scowl from her labyrinth mask.
I write forms with pointless ink. Nothing will change. She knows it too.
I remember the last pawn palace she sent me to. I remember jackbooted penguins with clipboards full of angry numbers. I recall being thanked for my efforts. I wasn’t asked to return.
She told me I had to up my performance. How? I’m the wrong side of forty. I’m not as sharp as I once was. She tells me not to be defeatist.
She has no idea. I was not a serf in my previous career. Yet, I don’t even make the status of peasant any more.
She tells me to report to another hive of misery tomorrow at ten. I must be punctual. She sits on her wyvern throne and tells me she has my best interests at heart. I’ve never heard so much crap.
I’m an unwanted statistic. Maybe one day I’ll receive a feast from the high table. I don’t think so though. This is one eagle climb I’ll never make again.
I shall go home tonight and find something to help me sleep. I won’t be on time for work tomorrow. I intend to be late.
see more Durham Doll at Instagram @thedurhamdoll
Gary Hewitt is a raconteur who lives in a quaint little village in Kent. He has had over 80 short stories and poems published and has performed to several live audiences.
He enjoys writing prose and poetry. His style of writing tends to feature edgy characters . Some of his influences are James Herbert, Stephen King, Bulgakov, Tolkein to name but a few
He is also a proud member of the Hazlitt Arts Centre Writers group in Maidstone which features an eclectic group of very talented writers.
He has a website featuring his published works here: http://kingsraconteurswork.
He will also be bringing out his novel Shadowfruit in 2016. More details can be found here:
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