Poetry by: Mark Young ◊ Graffiti Photography by: Shuan ONE
Paleolithic texts. Glyphs &
sigils. The littoral is lined
with recursive anemones.
Plant / sand / animals. The
literal is lined. Buster Keaton
& Harold Lloyd. The silents
are full of patients. Fatty
Arbuckle once fucked some
body with a bottle. She did not
live to tell the tale. The silents
are. Text glyphs. Paleolithic. D.W.
Griffith birthing the nation under
right-wing & reactionary dog. The
subtext says Intolerance, is full
of patients who did not have
the patents to survive. The silence
is. Sigil. A shame. What is not
said. Ashamed. The nation is not.
Therefore. Is not a nation. No-
one wants to give it berth. No-one
lives to tell the tale. All bottled-
up. Impatience. In-patients.
occurs. The prolonged
deaths of inmates mean
a relative disjuncture be-
tween the bleak days of
the Cold War & asthma
due to inhaled chemical
fumes. Any image given
may be a representation,
but many empirical pro-
jects involve estimation
with clustered data. Yet
another email from an FBI
agent requesting speaker
fees will take you back
to Afghanistan. The type-
writers are a bit of an old-
fashioned juxtaposition.
This / dress is / on back order
Very few people still weave
in the lean days after the
beginnings of wars & the
ending of dynasties. That’s
why I like these black-on-black
brocade paneled pants that
have open slashes & a button-
up front, with sun & moon
images embroidered in
gold. All successful rulers
wear them. Get ready to
fight to defend your turf.
Retro Fishboards
My cat died, & it affected
me as much as losing my
mind. The science of what
makes your nails replace
themselves suggests that
long-distance runners shed
fur only to gain a soul
patch. May be a wardrobe
staple for most, but they’re
always tight around my
hips. Have a browse &
find one which both suits
your needs & gives you
an evolutionary advantage.
Mark Young lives in a small town in North Queensland in Australia, & has been publishing poetry for more than fifty-five years. His most recent books are Mineral Terpsichore, from gradient books of Finland, & The Chorus of the Sphinxes, from Moria Books in Chicago. An e-book, The Holy Sonnets unDonne, came out earlier this year from Red Ceilings Press; another, a few geographies, will be out later this year from One Sentence Poems; & another, For the Witches of Romania, is scheduled for publication by Beard of Bees.
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