Poetry by Linda M. Crate ∞ Art by Tony Citelli
i just needed
to come
to wash away
everything of us
so i can
find some sort of
and it’s so hard
when i remember the shards
you buried so deep
within my heart;
i am in the mood for total war—
yet i cannot hide
beneath the facade of an innocent
should i become a monster,
and so i let the kraken
anger would only serve to destroy
i thought you were my tuxedo mask,
but you were
prince diamond
your kiss brought me no relief from the darkness
of the wounds i suffered,
and i realized you
were the source of the ailment;
so like a frightened bird i fled into the sky and i haven’t
looked back since—
my freedom
too sweet to remain
in your tethers.
don’t tell me it’s not important
you say that there are
more important matters to
discuss at this time,
but i am betting that’s because
you’re not a woman;
and you’ve never had to deal
with unwanted attention
from strangers
as you walk down the sidewalk
or through the mall or
anywhere there may be someone
to catcall or harass you—
but women are
not the punchline of jokes
or your piece of sexual gratification,
and you cannot just grab us
by our pussies
or put us down and expect that there
won’t be consequence
this rape culture is not okay
it’s never the fault of the victim;
so don’t tell me there are bigger issues—
if we don’t talk about this now
when will we?
people need to be taught respect,
boundaries, and know that rape is never okay
and treating people like lesser simply because they’re
different is not okay;
we should all feel comfortable walking down the streets
and living in our own skin.
we need change
you want me to lay
be your docile little
arm-candy who doesn’t utter
a word or put a toe
out of line,
but i don’t cater to misogynist
you’ll hear my voice;
women have died for their “right” to
vote so don’t tell me we
don’t need feminism
or that it’s
because everyone should be able to
live for a better future—
i’m so tired of
your damned pedestals and glass
watch as i shatter them all
because my sisters are tired of it, too,
and we will be silent no longer;
i am the daughter of the
will hit you like a hurricane with
my primordial rage—
i am done being the brunt of your jokes
done with being a sexual object
for your gratification
done accepting the lies they’ve always
told me to swallow,
and i’m done pretending that i can deal with this
because i can’t
things need to change.
i am not a god
not all men
are monsters and not all
women are saints,
and virtue
knows no sex or age or race;
you cannot play the victim
when you have made the circumstances
for this boxing ring
picking fights you knew you couldn’t
don’t burn your bridge with me
then expect me to send you
a boat
because i won’t,
and i won’t defend someone who doesn’t
know the meaning of loyalty or integrity
don’t use me as a reference
for your future
because i’m only a pillar of your past—
your hands reach for me,
but i am gone;
i never was yours because you never wanted me,
and you just want me now
because i am gone
it just doesn’t work that way
no more will i sit
behind your gilded cage and wilt all my petals
away to nothing simply to bloom again
knowing you’ll always want me
to crucify myself to be
your savior;
i am not a god
just a girl who’s trying to change the world.
Linda M. Crate is a Pennsylvanian native born in Pittsburgh yet raised in the rural town of Conneautville. Her poetry, short stories, articles, and reviews have been published in a myriad of magazines both online and in print. Recently her two chapbooks A Mermaid Crashing Into Dawn (Fowlpox Press – June 2013) and Less Than A Man (The Camel Saloon – January 2014) were published. Her fantasy novel Blood & Magic was published in March 2015. The second novel of this series Dragons & Magic was published in October 2015. Her poetry collection Sing Your Own Song is forthcoming through Barometric Pressures Series.
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