I hate that I have to choose sides
I hate that I have to justify and explain why
when no team wanted me anyway
left looking from the sidelines
I say black lives matter
I say all lives matter
as I act like nothing matters
so what really is it that matters
and it’s not just
the color of my skin
it’s also my culture
and my so called religion
this is the sad ass truth
I am killing myself
whether from a gun, drugs
or the voting booth
being told what to think
accept and believe
swallowing false cures
for my social disease
and it’s not just me
I’m destroying
the planet too
killing the environment
all its beautiful inhabitants
the future
I never knew
and if I allow this continue
with no shame, then who
who is at fault
I’m the one to blame
so yes I am racist
against my human race
I think mankind is awful
and needs to be replaced
Photos taken at: AltonSterling- March For Justice
Poetry and Photos by GothicGhetto
GothicGhetto | Infecting Your World With Mine, One Mind at a Time
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